


Is this look familiar to you? Too many late nights or an inadequate diet. Don’t you find it frustrating when you’ve slept like a baby, but wake-up looking like you’ve only had two hours of sleep? But what can you do about it without having to go under the knife or spend a fortune on expensive eye creams?. Check out this article I saw over at According to the writer, this woman only took a few days to reduce her eye bags and used only natural treatments!

Place A Moist Towel On Your Eyes

Every night before going to bed, leave a moist towel in the fridge.  When you get up the following morning, place it over your forehead and eyes.  You could also get a get eye mask that acts in just the same fashion.  These two home remedies are effect at helping reduce inflammation.  You should let it set for 5 minutes.

Tea Bags Over The Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Whenever you make tea, try to save the tea bags in the fridge.  When they’re good and cold, and whenever you have enough time to let them set, leave them on your eyes for twenty minutes.  During this time you should lay down for best results.  After the twenty minutes have passed, rinse your eyes very well, as the tea could stain the skin a bit.  The effect, however, that they will have on the circles under your eyes is fairly notorious, as they not only reduce inflammation, but they attenuate the dark circles as well.

Apply Cucumber Slices
When you finish the twenty minute tea treatment, you could also place one cucumber slice over each eye for 10 minutes.  Cucumbers contain a lot of water and will help hydrate your skin, making it smooth.
Aloe Vera Massage For Your Eyes
Grab one of the leaves off an aloe vera plant and cut it in half.  Extract the gel or the “crystals”, and gently massage the circles under your eyes.  This plant has lots of properties, including its ability to hydrate and tone skin.
Coconut Oil Massage
If you mix one tablespoon of coconut oil with one tablespoon of almond oil and then gently massage underneath your eyes, letting it set for twenty minutes, you will definitely notice that your bags under your eyes will quickly disappear.  Rinse well with warm water after these twenty minutes are up.  This is a very effective remedy.
For the original article please click here

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