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The Alkaline diet, beloved by the Hollywood Glitterati, also known as the alkaline ash diet or alkaline acid diet – can help you lose weight and avoid problems like arthritis and cancer. The theory is that some foods, like meat, wheat, refined sugar, and processed foods, cause your body to produce acid, which is bad for you. This diet became popular after Vicky Beckham tweeted about in January 2013.
In order of balance reporting, I am going to give you the good the bad and the ugly of the Alkaline diet. During my research I discovered there are many “professionals” who consider it to be nothing other than pseudo-science being peddled to the lay person.

How does it work?

First you need to understand a little chemistry.

A pH level measures how acid or alkaline something is. A pH of 0 is totally acidic, while a pH of 14 is completely alkaline. A pH of 7 is neutral. Those levels vary throughout your body. Your blood is slightly alkaline, with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. Your stomach is very acidic, with a pH of 3.5 or below, so it can break down food. And your urine changes, depending on what you eat – that’s how your body keeps the level in your blood steady.

The alkaline diet claims to help your body maintain its blood pH level. However, according to studies it is claimed that nothing you eat is going to substantially change the pH of your blood. Your body works to keep that level constant.

and does it work?

Well, yes, but not in the way it is claimed.
The foods you’re supposed to eat on the alkaline diet are good for you: lots of fruits and vegetables, and lots of water. Avoiding sugar, alcohol, and processed foods is healthy weight-loss advice, too. However, what it does not do apparently,  is lower the blood pH in the long term.
There is some early evidence that suggests that eating food  low in acid-producing foods like animal protein (such as meat and cheese) and bread and high in fruits and veggies could help prevent kidney stones, keep bones and muscles strong, improve heart health and brain function, reduce low back pain, and lower risk for colon cancer and type 2 diabetes. But the evidence is not conclusive.
People who believe in the alkaline diet say that though acid-producing foods shift our pH balance for only a little while, if you keep shifting your blood pH over and over, you can cause long-lasting acidity.

Is it an easy diet to stick to?

If like me, you like the occasional glass (or 3) of wine and or love your daily caffeine fix, then its not for you. Also, no dairy products, beef, chicken, peanuts, walnuts, fish, shellfish and fruit. Who would have thought fruit is bad, but apparently it is high in acidity and you should not consume more than one piece a day. Lemon and lime is ok though because they have a high alkaline mineral content (see next page for an at a glance food table)
If you are trying to lose weight and want to go the vegetarian route it will be perfect for you.
A good rule of thumb is that 60-80% of our diet should be from more alkaline foods, and 20-40% more acidic foods.

See next for plus and minus food list.

Source: Greeonpedia
Image Rawfoodrecipes FaceBoook

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