Delicious Cinnamon Coconut Water KEFIR
No excuses, even I can’t mess this one up. Cinnamon coconut water kefir has to be one of the easiest and most delicious drink to make, and it’s so good for your health and vitality. Is your blood sugar low as well as your energy levels? Then this will pick you right back up. And, if, like me, you have a craving for sugar, then cinnamon infused with coconut water will take care of your lust for the sweet stuff. Thank you, Shelly from for providing this wonderful recipe. 

This wonderful fermented beverage is rich in beneficial bacteria, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that are crucial for digestive and immune system health. Cinnamon Coconut Water Kefir is easy to make especially if you have access to young Thai coconuts. These coconuts have a white outer shell. If you can’t find young coconuts in your area, you can use high-quality raw coconut water to make your kefir. Once you get your coconut water, you will ferment it with kefir bacteria cultures to create a bubbly, tangy drink. This wonderful drink will help to heal your digestive system, cut sugar cravings, detoxify your body, support your endocrine system, and strengthen your immune system.

Kefir grainKefir grains. You can look for these on line or at a good health shop.


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