There are lots of urban myths and home remedies out there. Unsurprisingly, some of those old wives’ tales are more dangerous than beneficial.

One of the latest to take women by surprise is that garlic can be a great way to combat vaginal yeast infections. While garlic might make a great addition to your next meal, some argue that it offers no anti-fungal properties whatsoever.

Dr. Jennifer Gunter spoke out on the very matter on Twitter. She actually went on to say that putting garlic in your vagina could be incredibly dangerous.

Listen up, ladies. You’re definitely going to want to hear this.

According to the doctor, the vagina would make a great environment for the incredibly dangerous botulism bacteria. In other words, using garlic in an attempt to rectify a yeasty vagina could actually make the problem far worse. She explained that the garlic would need to be crushed and stuffed into the vagina to make it effective. She points to the fact that there would still be dirt and getting the garlic out would be very difficult. She also went on to say that using a cucumber would be equally bad.

The doctor’s Twitter thread has proven to be interesting for women far and wide.

BTW if you are looking for a safer and more effective solution, try this click here

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