


  Japanese Beauty Secret  - Will Vanish Years from Your Face

Japanese Beauty Secret  – Will Vanish Years from Your Face

Rice Water for Skin Care!  This is Asia’s best kept beauty secret. Rice water  is a Natural Face Wash for all Skin Types! Brighten, whiten, and smooth out your skin with rice water! Do you suffer with uneven pigmentation, this will even out your skin tones. This is such a simple, cheap and natural ingredient to use. Unlike many anti aging products that are full of chemical that are being absorbed into your skin and possibly bloodstream, this contains only  natural ingredients. Check out the Video below by the lovely Jen Ruhman explaining the benefits and showing you how to make the simple mask recipe yourself
Please try it and let me know what you think.
 Rice is rich in a complex of B vitamins called ‘inositol’ that helps promote cell growth, slows down the aging process and stimulates blood flow – the perfect recipe to tighten pores and bring a glow to the face. Besides this, rice water also has moisturising, antioxidant and UV-absorbing properties, along with an ability to bind to naturally occurring copper in the skin, thereby preventing the formation of melanin formation (hyper-pigmentation) and age spots.
The soothing nature of rice water makes it an effective remedy for rashes and other irritating or painful skin conditions. In a dermatological study at Brussels University, patients with atopic dermatitis (chronic inflammation of the skin) saw a 20% improvement after taking 15-minute baths filled with rice water twice a day.

The Skin is the largest organ on the body, everything that you eat or do in your daily life affects the way that your skin looks and feels. We all crave healthy and beautiful skin and with this lovely natural mask you can have it!
2-3 Tbsp Raw Rice
1 Tbsp Warm milk
1 Tbsp Honey
Put the raw rice into cold water, gradually heat it up until the rice becomes soft. Strain and put the rice into a separate bowl. Rinse the rice and add a Tbsp. Of warm milk, stir until it is well combined and add in a tablespoon of honey. Apply a generous amount onto your clean skin, and carefully remove the mask in half an hour, rinse with the rice water.

VIDEO – Benefits and how to make it next page

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