Nutritional Value of Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and salicylic acid. By containing only 45 calories per cup, cranberry juice fits very well within the dietary guidelines. Cranberry juice also contains 87.13 g water per 100 g. It also provides energy, protein and carbohydrates. In terms of minerals, it contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and zinc. It also contains vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, E (alpha tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). Cranberries are members of the Ericaceae family, and is native to North America.

Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice has long been used for curing various illnesses. Some of the health benefits of cranberries include the following.

1.  Urinary tract Infections (UTI): Urinary tract infections refer to the existence of certain micro-organisms in the urine that exceed normal levels. These infections can develop in the bladder and cause cystitis, in the kidney to cause renal parenchyma, or in the prostate resulting in bacterial prostatitis. Studies have shown that the cranberry juicecontains proanthocyanidins that possess anti-clinging properties, which prevent the bacteria from binding itself to the cells on the walls of the bladder. These compounds prevent these bacteria from multiplying and further and flush them out of the body through urination. Research shows that drinking cranberry juice regularly can help prevent recurring UTIs in middle-aged women and pregnant women. Regular intake of cranberry juice has also been proven beneficial for patients undergoing other treatments in the hospitals as a guard against the urinary tract diseases. However, cranberry juice is not effective in treating UTIs once you have the infection, and is only a preventative measure.

2.  Antitumor Effects:
 The anti-tumor efficacy offered by cranberry juice is attributed to the presence of polyphenolic compounds within the fruit. Studies have suggested that regular consumption of cranberry juice inhibits the development and spread of lung, breast, colon, prostate and other cancerous tumors. Cranberry juice contains a high amount of salicylic acid which can help reduce swelling, prevent blood clots, and eliminate tumors.

Cranberry3.  Cardiovascular Health: Cranberry juice can help lower the risk of heart related ailments and assist in sustaining cardiovascular health. The flavonoids present in cranberries have antioxidant properties and may decrease the threat of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the arteries are narrowed due to the build-up of fat, calcium, and cholesterol found in the blood. This obstructs the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the various parts of the body and may lead to potentially fatal outcomes like heart attacks and strokes. These compounds have been shown to delay and suppress the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and beneficially stimulate the blood platelets.

4.  Prevents Tooth Decay: According to new research studies, cranberry juice prevents tooth cavities. Proanthocyanidine, a chemical compound present in cranberries, inhibits the harmful bacteria from clinging to the teeth. These components inhibit acid production and protect the teeth from periodontal disease by preventing the growth of plaque. Good oral hygiene, along with the consumption of cranberries, disrupts the pathogenic mechanism of dental caries and generally makes for good dental health. At the same time, one should watch out for the soaring sugar content and the acidity of some commercially available cranberry juices – natural juice is always better!
5.  Avoid Respiratory Infections: According to conducted studies, cranberry juice helps to inhibit certain strains of the Haemophilus influenza, which is a common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. The juice inhibits the bacteria’s hair-like structures, inhibiting them from adhering to the surface of the skin.
6.  Prevents Cancer: Cranberry contains proanthocyanidins, which inhibit the growth of various cancer cells.  Studies have suggested that diets rich in flavonoids play a fundamental role in reducing the risk of cancer and cancer mortality. Cranberry juice contains anti-carcinogenic components that interfere with the growth of cancer cells, particularly those associated with colon and prostate cancer. According to studies, proanthocyanidins can stop micro-tumors from developing in the blood vessels. Regular consumption of cranberry juice prevents the rapid growth of tumors. Chemicals in cranberries also prevent the multiplication of breast cancer cells.
7.  Anti-Aging Benefits: The USDA scientists at the human research center suggest that the wealth of phytonutrients and antioxidants present in cranberries play a vital role in providing protection against the problems that develop with age such as memory loss and lack of coordination.Cranberries have a multitude of therapeutic properties that protect the cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals that contribute to aging, thereby making the skin look younger.
Continue here to learn more about cranberry juice benefits and warnings
Source: organicfacts

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