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20 Herbal Remedies to Reduce Excessive Menstrual Bleeding

Are you exhausted of changing your tampon or sanitary pads after every 2 hours during your menstruation period? Excessive bleeding, also known as Menorrhagia, is a very common problem faced by most of the women. Excessive bleeding leads to numerous complications including anemia. There are several causes that lead to heavy bleeding like disorders of the endometrial lining of uterus, hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, pregnancy complications, thyroid, endometrial cancer, weight gain or loss, polyps, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, usage of an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control, changes in diet or exercise, and certain medications, like anticoagulants, steroids, and blood thinners.

Some signs and symptoms which are experienced during heavy menstruation periods are prolonged menses, anemia, weakness, laziness or lethargy, tiredness, headache, mood swings, soreness in breasts, severe cramps with heavy blood flow, shortness of breath and nausea.

1. Red Rasberry Leaves

Red raspberry leaves contain tannins that strengthen uterine muscles; this then results in the relief of abdominal pain. Add 1 tablespoon of red raspberry leaves to a cup of hot water. Cover and steep for about 10 minutes, then strain this up to 3 times a day. You can start drinking the solution a week before your cycle begins, and continue throughout your cycle.

2. Coriander Seeds

These can help regulate your cycle, as well as improve uterine functions and balance female hormones. Add a tablespoon of coriander seeds to 2 cups of water, then boil until the quantity reduces by half. Then strain the liquid and add some honey. Drink this 2 to 3 times a day during your cycle.

3. Comfrey

This herb constricts blood vessels, which leads to reduce heavy bleeding. Place 2 tablespoons of comfrey leaves in a cup of hot water, then cover and steep for 20 minutes. Drink this daily during your cycle.

4. Sage

Take 1 cup water and boil it. Add 1 tablespoon of sage to it and allow it to steep for 5-7 minutes. This herbal remedy will prevent excessive bleeding and blood clotting.

5. Ashoka Tree (Saraca Indica) Bark

The bark of Ashoka tree is used for curing several ailments including heavy bleeding during periods. Crush the bark into powder. Now take 200 ml water and add 25 gm of the powder to it. Let it boil until the water reduces to 50 ml. Then add 50 ml milk in the solution, and boil it down again to half its quantity. Strain the solution and let it cool down. Consume 20-30 ml of this solution in the morning, regularly.

Note – Prepare this solution fresh every morning.

6. Herbal Powder

Prepare an herbal powder to ease the excessive menstrual bleeding. Get 50 gm nigella seeds, 20 gm of bamboo sugar, 20 gm of red rose powder, 20 gm of amylase, and 20 gm oak tree gum. Burn nigella seeds in a pan. Mix all the ingredients and grind them to make a powder. For effective results, consume half teaspoon of this powder with snake root syrup.

Note – In case, you experience from very heavy bleeding, consume it after every 3 hours for 3 days.

7. Chamomile Tea

An effective home remedy for menstruation bleeding and severe cramps is chamomile tea. To prepare this tea, add a few chamomile leaves in a cup of boiling water. Steep it for 4-5 minutes. Strain and drink it.

8. Parsley

Parsley is another amazing home remedy for curing menstruation problems. Drink parsley juice daily. You can also add parsley to carrot juice. Drink this mixed juice regularly for controlling too much bleeding.

9. Aloe Vera

As we all know, aloe vera is a very effectual treatment for various skin problems. But, very few people know that it is also beneficial for menstruation bleeding. Have aloe vera juice regularly to reduce excessive blood flow during periods.

10. Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd regularizes the menstruation period. Boil the roots of bitter gourd. Strain it. Drink this concoction once or twice a day.

11. Banana Flower

To control excessive menstrual bleeding, consume banana flower with curd in the morning. It will increase the level of progesterone, thereby, reduce the heavy bleeding.

12. Indian Lilac (Margosa)

Boil some margosa leaves and parsley in water. Strain the solution. For effective results, drink it thrice a day.

13. Snakeroots

Snakeroot is an effective herbal remedy for heavy bleeding. You are required to soak 4-5 snakeroots in a glass of water. Next morning, boil the water for five minutes. Strain it and drink.

14. Thyme Tea

Take 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves. Steep them for 8-10 minutes in 1 cup boiling water. Strain the solution, allow it to cool down, and then drink. Alternatively, fill an ice tray with thyme tea. Freeze it. Use these ice cubes on the abdomen as a cold compress.

15. Licorice

Grind licorice into a fine powder. Consume 3 grams of this grinded powder with water drained rice, thrice a day. Have it continuously for 4-5 days for positive results.

16. Mango Bark

Mix 10 ml mango bark extract in 130 ml water. Take 1 tsp of this mixture after every hour. Alternatively, drink juice of fresh mango bark.

17. Wood Apple Leaf

Crush some fresh leaves of wood apple and mix it with warm water. Drink it to lessen excessive bleeding.

18. Bamboo Leaf

A decoction made from the leaves and nodes of bamboo leaves is said to be effective in alleviating all the problems related to menstruation.

19. Jujube Tea

Boil jujube leaves (20 grams) with red dates. Have this tea to stop excessive bleeding.

20. Hawthorn Flowers

More natural remedies here and also here
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Prepare a decoction by combining 15 grams saffron and 30 grams hawthorn flowers extract. Intake this decoction when it is hot.


  • Include apricots, pumpkin seeds, molasses, and potatoes to counterbalance the deficiency of iron resulted due to loss of blood during menstruation.
  • Manganese rich foods such as sesame seeds, watermelon, squash, oats, etc., can also help reduce profuse bleeding. Therefore, include them in your diet.
  • Deprivation of sleep can worsen the problem. So, sleep for at least 7-8 hours.


  • Do not lift heavy weight during menstruation.
  • Avoid the intake of ginger as it thins the blood, resulting in excessive bleeding.



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