Migraines are often thought of as a more severe form of the common headache; however, migraines often include additional symptoms aside from just a pain in the head. Migraine headaches often involve intense throbbing or pulsing in one region of the head as well as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to both light and sound. The actual cause of migraines is largely not understood, but genetics and environment have been identified as contributing factors. Additionally, migraines may be linked to changes in the brainstem and its connection to the trigeminal nerve, which serves as a major pain correspondent. Imbalances in brain chemicals are likely also involved in the onset of migraines. Triggers of migraines often include food, food additives, drinks, stress, sensory stimuli, changes in the wake-sleep pattern, physical activity, changes in the environment and medication. 


An amino acid naturally produced by the human body, 5-HTP increases the production of serotonin. As decreased levels of serotonin have been identified as a possible cause of migraines, supplementing with this compound prevents the characteristic drop in the natural hormone, alleviating headaches and their debilitating side effects. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is extremely high in vitamins and minerals. Taking apple cider vinegar daily or using an apple cider soaked compress on the neck, head or face at the onset of a migraine delivers vital nutrients to the body that balance the system and treat migraine symptoms.
Tip : 2 tbsp ACV unpastuerized, 2 tbsp raw honey and 8 ounces of warm – drink this every 3 hours.
Garlic is a herb that is heralded as a solution to many ailments. Garlic is known as an anticlotting agent, which makes it an effective migraine treatment. The property that prevents clotting also regulates the flow of blood, which can be a trigger issue for migraines. Migraines are more than just the typical headache and often involve additional symptoms including nausea and vomiting. While migraines can be debilitating, natural treatments including 5-HTP, apple cider vinegar and garlic relieve and prevent migraine headaches.


Garlic is a herb that is heralded as a solution to many ailments. Garlic is known as an anticlotting agent, which makes it an effective migraine treatment. The property that prevents clotting also regulates the flow of blood, which can be a trigger issue for migraines. Migraines are more than just the typical headache and often involve additional symptoms including nausea and vomiting. While migraines can be debilitating, natural treatments including 5-HTP, apple cider vinegar and garlic relieve and prevent migraine headaches.

Earth Clinic
Migraine Trust

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