tea tree oil for toenail fungus

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus with Natural Remedies

Toenail fungus is a unwelcome and unsightly problem. In severe conditions, this infection can result in cracking, splitting or even loss of the toenail. Symptoms include yellowing, crumbling of the nail, swelling, thickening or even inflammations. The fungus thrives well in skins with abnormal pH levels and weak immune system. Also, continued exposure to a moist environment is a potential threat. The cure for toenail is inexpensive. It can be treated with some remedies including the use of apple vinegar, baking soda, and oregano and tea tree oil (see next for remedies). However, if condition spreads further, consult your doctor.

In this article from top10homeremedies you will discover natural remedies on how to get rid of toenail fungus.  Please continue on page 2 to learn more.


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