Reduce Belly Fat By Boosting Your Metabolism

Natural metabolism boosters

1. Avoid containers with BPA.
While most of the blame for rising obesity numbers is due to poor exercise and bad eating habits, researchers report that another culprit may be bisphenol A, better known as BPA. This is found in everything from the lining of canned foods to plastic containers.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that children who were obese have high amounts of BPA in their bodies — a compelling reason to keep BPA products out of our homes and away from our children. Unfortunately, detectable levels of BPA were found in 93% of more than 2,500 urine samples of Americans in a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the CDC.
2. Add foods with folate.
Folate-rich foods will reverse and prevent the effects of obesity-causing foods and substances like BPA. In fact, research shows that folate can protect you from the damaging effects of toxins like BPA and other estrogenic-like chemicals that have been linked to various cancers, most notably breast and prostate cancers.
3. Eat cruciferous vegetables.
Cruciferous vegetables are packed with folate. Pick from Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli and bok choy. The more you consume, the better your chances of reducing your risk for developing obesity, cardiovascular disease, dementia, cognitive impairment, and depression.
4. Skip the charred meat.
Forget char-grilling meats – they contain cancer-causing chemicals known as nitrosamine.

VIDEO Foods To Boost Your Metabolism


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