Is your Liver Behaving Badly? – Top 10 Signs of Sluggish Liver Function

Would you let several years go by without seeing your dental hygienist or taking your car for a check-up? Probably not. Simply because you can’t see or feel your liver, it doesn’t mean that your liver is working as well as it could be. Read the list of clues and see if any one of these rings a bell for you. If so, think about adding your liver to the annual list of “things to do”. This article is kindly contributed by Sheila Wagner. I have also added a liver flush remedy VIDEO. This is not for the faint-hearted. But. many people swear by it. You should consult with your doctor before undertaking one. If you enjoy this article and find it helpful, please like and share.Thank You!
Liver and stomach
Liver and stomach

The top 10 signs of sluggish liver function are:

  1. Poor tolerance or strong reaction to coffee, alcohol or other fumes and smells.
  2. Headaches and foggy brain anytime, but especially in the morning.
  3. Burping or indigestion after eating.
  4. Constipation, diarrhea or light colored stools.
  5. Difficulty losing weight even though youʼre dieting.
  6. High cholesterol or tiglycerides that donʼt change with diet.
  7. Pressure or pain under the right ribcage, right shoulder or should blade, possibly including limited range of motion and absent of initial injury.
  8. Neck pain and stiffness that is hard to resolve and might present with a pronounced bump at the base of the neck. This may be from an unhealthy fat pad and/or from misaligned vertebrae, both issues can come from suboptimal liver function.
  9. Difficult to lose belly fat that is above your waistband. Ladies might even feel this as their bra getting uncomfortable at their ribcage by the end of the day!
  10. A pattern of waking at night between 2 and 4am. You might feel irritable, agitated or even notice your heart rate is a little higher at this time as well.

A bonus clue for the ladies: your perimenopause or menopause might be very symptomatic and difficult to control

Next: What can you do to optimize your liver function



  1. Agreed. You should always check with your healthcare provider first. If you are on meds make sure the natural ingredients do not clash. Also, I am really sorry to hear of your illness Katie. I wish you a speedy recovery.

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