Is your Liver Behaving Badly? - Top 10 signs of sluggish liver function

What can you do to optimize your liver function

When your digestion works as it should, everything you eat and drink breaks down in the digestive tract and the byproducts, whether good or bad for you, all pass through the liver! That is a HUGE job for the liver to do.  Not at all unlike sorting all of the garbage that is dumped at the recycling center into what should be kept that is actually useful vs what should be thrown out vs what should be handled in a special way because itʼs actually dangerous!
Optimizing liver function boils down to ……..
1.  Donʼt put SO MUCH into it–remember that the digestive tract, ie. what we eat and drink, is a main entry point to the liver.  Not putting so much in allows the liver to rest a bit and to catch up with what it has to work on already.
2.  Give your liver a break from what taxes it the most:  alcohol, coffee, processed foods with chemical additives and flour, sugar and fructose products.
3.  Give your liver the support it needs to strengthen and encourage its detoxification function with specific nutrients like B vitamins,  amino acids such as glycine, taurine and methionine and herbs like milk thistle, dandelion and artichoke.
4.  Eat vegetables that naturally cleanse the liver and amp up its detoxification function such as all the green leafy veggies like kale, collards and spinach and broccoli, artichokes, garlic, onions and beets.  Drinking green juices made from these vegetables is also great for boosting liver function.
5.  Exercise to improve blood flow to and through the liver which promotes detoxification of the liver itself. Stretching and yoga help to break up the physical tension patterns that develop between the liver and the shoulder, ribcage or neck.
A total detoxification program that addresses all of these areas to optimize liver function is the best recommendation to improve your health. Taking time at least 1x/year to engage in a cleansing program is your insurance to keep your liver and you healthy!
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NEXT: VIDEO Know This Before a Liver Cleanse!


  1. Agreed. You should always check with your healthcare provider first. If you are on meds make sure the natural ingredients do not clash. Also, I am really sorry to hear of your illness Katie. I wish you a speedy recovery.

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