Grated horseradish.

What makes horseradish so powerful?

Horseradish is a member of the Brassicaceae family, which also includes mustard, wasabi, broccoli, and cabbage. Vegetables from the mustard family are concentrated with glucosinolates that influence the metabolism of hormones and act in an anti-cancer way. Consumption of these vegetables has also been shown to lower the risk for prostate cancer.
Horseradish contains mustard oil and the presence of allyl isothiocyanate gives it the antibacterial punch. Horseradish is also a powerhouse of vitamin C – raw, it contains 79.31 mg of vitamin C per 100g. It is high in many essential minerals and other health-promoting substances, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, glutamine, glucose, acid sulfate and essential oils.
Singrin, a very powerful glycoside, is found in horseradish, and it helps with water retention by stimulating the blood capillaries. It improves the blood flow and rejuvenates the circulation below and to the skin surface and can be used for skin treatments.

Research on horseradish

A study conducted by a group of German scientists in 2006, looked at the efficacy of horseradish in the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis and urinary tract infections. The participants were treated either with the nasturtium herb (nasturtium is a plant found in many gardens – leaves and flowers are known for their healing effects) and horseradish root or with standard antibiotic therapy. The results suggested that therapy with the herbal drug was as at least as effective as standard antibiotic treatment.
Moreover, the group treated with the herbal drug required less supportive procedures and their treatment regimen was generally seen as safer compared to the use of the mainstream pharmaceuticals.
Another study found that the recovery process was 40% faster when patients took horseradish instead of antibiotics. The symptoms of infection were also less likely to reoccur. The latter is the main complaint about prescribed decongestants and mucolytics. They only suppress the symptoms, while aggravating the underlying causes.

How does horseradish work with respiratory infections?

Horseradish works as a mild natural antibiotic. It helps your body get rid of the mucus, which, when stagnant, can become the breeding ground for bacteria that cause serious infections. Horseradish thins the mucus. This makes it easier to cough it out. Initially, the mucus production might increase. But this is in fact a good sign as it’s signaling that the body is cleansing. You just need to be patient for a day or two before you can start celebrating your win over that persistent cold (or even your sinus infection). It is recommended to take horseradish as soon as you start feeling the cold or sinus infection setting in.

If you suffer from sinus infection, there are other effective natural treatments that you can combine with the consumption of horseradish.  If you suffer from sinus infection you really need to combine a few remedies / treatment options to speed the recovery and to get rid of the mucus that allows bacteria to bread.

Horseradish Recipe to clear your nose and chest

Horseradish sinus plumber

  • 8 – 12 inch long piece of horseradish root
  • 2  Tbsp water
  • 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Pinch salt

Use a vegetable peeler to peel the surface skin off of the tuber and chop into small pieces.
Put into the food processor, add the water, the vinegar and the salt.
Process until well ground.

At the point you have to be extremely careful as the ground up fresh horseradish is many times as potent as chopped onions and it can seriously hurt your eyes if you get too close. Always keep an arm length away and work in a well ventilated area.

Store in a glass jar and eat 1/2–1 teaspoon (3–5 grams) three times per day. This is a seriously strong concoction which I’ve used myself and found it extremely effective. If you haven’t eaten horseradish before start with very small amounts as this is extremely strong and potent concussion.

It will keep 4-5 weeks in the refrigerator.

Source: Healthy and Natural World
mage: Flickr



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