One-Month Heart Attack Warning System
I always find it quite scary reading information like this. But, at the same time, I know it is vital information that could save lives. Most of us worry about dying from cancer, but here is a frightening statistic. According to the American Heart Association, around 500,000 American women die from heart disease and stroke, twice the number of deaths from all cancers combined.
I found an important article from Family Health Freedom Network whose contents you should commit to memory. It basically gives you a one-month warning that all is not well with your heart. I know this information will be a hypochondriac’s nightmare. Nevertheless, it is important. You will find the information on the next page.
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  1. Do they own our Docs — ? –
    Do our Docs lose their license by recom. our Lord Nature Remedies –
    Alternative remedies we used for 1000s yrs –
    instead of big pharma nwo killer 666 pills – ? –
    Love You Healthy Nature –
    God Bless – Amen –
    > Do they own our weather and our water – ? – – ???

  2. Actually, this is decent information on the hallmarks of referred pain for women. Additionally, it’s quite common for women to complain of neck and/or lower jaw pain. However, I’ve had patients not experience discomfort until the episode is underway. Nothing is set in stone, but education regarding the recognition of symptoms is a great thing…and it might just save a life.

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