activated charcoal sept 2015

I drank activated charcoal for a week and this is what happened

Molly Dodd decided to see what would happen if she drank activated charcoal juice for 7 days.

Looking for the next detox elixir?
Food-grade carbon known as activated charcoal is finding its way into green juices and lemonades with the promise of boosting energy, brightening skin –even curing hangovers.  The black, odor-less additive is being combined with hemp seeds, lemon zest or spinach and sold to the health conscious in labels by Juice Served Here, Juice Generation, and LuliTonix.
Let’s be clear.  It’s not the stuff found in your outdoor barbecue.  Derived from peat, coal, wood and coconut shell, the material is heated to very high temperatures. For years, activated charcoal has been used in the emergency treatment of certain kinds of poisoning. Its alkaline properties allow it to bind to poisons and prevent them from being absorbed from the stomach into the intestines.
But now, cold-pressed juice companies are rebranding activated charcoal as a health supplement, and it’s a hot new trend getting a boost from the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow’s magazine Goop, which named charcoal lemonade one of the “best juice cleanses.”
So I decided to put it to the test myself.  I am not a health professional, but I like to stay fit and like to try out different detox methods.
At first, I was a little apprehensive about drinking the stuff.   After all it’s black and the look of it is not very appetizing.  However, I was pleasantly surprised once I tasted Lulitonix’s Black Magic: Charcoal Elixir and enjoyed the lemonade-tasting beverage.
Lulitonix claims that the juice detox aids in “cleansing and assisting the healing process of the body, preventing/helping hangovers, helping with intestinal issues/food poisoning/gases, and makes you feel sharp and focused.”
Unlike other cleanse routines that require several consecutive days, Lulitonix says you can drink the juice as you feel the need.
So for seven days I cut out alcohol, stuck with my regular diet (about 1,500 and 2,000 calories per day),  exercised (3-4 days) –and cracked open the charcoal.
Here’s what happened.
(Please note that my experience may not be typical, and that Lulitonix suggests drinking the beverage in the evening, but that was not always convenient for me.)

Continue reading the original article here Day 1
Learn more about activated charcoal on page 3 and how to make your own


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