We are approaching the ideal time of year to be performing a spring cleaning on our bodies. The health of the entire body is maintained when the detoxification systems are working properly. The following approach will assist all channels of elimination; including the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, bloodstream, skin, and lymphatic system. Regular bowel movements will ensure that the toxins being released from your cells are actually being fully removed from the body.

diet drink
Your diet should consist of mostly whole, raw, live, fresh foods with the emphasis on fruits & vegetables, with small quantities of whole grains, legumes and poultry or fish. Many small, light meals throughout the day are helpful in easing the burden of overload.

1.  Avoid sugar, black teas, coffee, potatoes, bananas, red meat, pork, chocolate, alcohol, diary, wheat, corn, pop, additives, preservatives and processed, pickled or smoked foods.
Cut back or eliminate meat and dairy products at least for a while to give your body a break. Meat is highly acid-forming in your body, can be a strain on the kidneys and intestines (low water, no fiber and requiring plenty of energy to digest) and dairy is mucus-forming and many people lack sufficient enzymes to properly digest it.

2.  It is imperative that you drink plenty of pure, clean water to flush out the toxins – a lemon wedge squeezed in each glass is beneficial.

3.  Aim to do something active every day – even 15 minutes of walking. This will assist with the lymphatic system drainage.

4.  Deep breathing for 10 minutes, once or twice per day clears the lungs and gives the entire body oxygen to clean up all the cells.

5.  I recommend taking an herbal-fiber supplement during a cleanse – preferably one that contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber will absorb toxins and the insoluble fiber acts like a broom to sweep the colon clean and ensure that the toxins are being flushed out of the body. Probiotics are important to reinstate the good bacteria in the gut.
Use herbs to give your body a boost. Milk thistle is a proven liver-regenerator and detoxifier, dandelion and uva ursi are well-established kidney-restoring herbs, sea buckthorn extract powder helps heal the lungs and flaxseeds help eliminate toxic material from the intestines.  Follow package instructions for the herbs you choose.
6.  Meditate. “When I sit upright, hands on my lap facing upward, for at least one minute and take at least three really deep breaths, I automatically get a dose of positivity, a wave of calmness, and a jolt of motivation,” Fierman says. “Play a pretty song with positive lyrics, or sit in silence and just listen and breathe. Your to-do list will seem way less overwhelming afterward. I promise.”

7.  Sweat. “You must sweat at least once a day,” she says. “Choose an exercise that you love—dance, stretch class, biking, swimming—and do it just for 20 to 30 minutes per day. Sign up for a group class or pre-pay so you don’t have an excuse not to go. Pack your workout clothes with you when you go to work—or better yet, wear your workout tank under a cute blazer and you’ll be half ready to hit the gym later on.” Saunas (dry, steam or infrared) or soaking in an Epsom salt bath once per week releases the toxins through the skin via perspiration.

8.  Rest. Sleep is one of the keys to a happy life, Fierman says—it refuels your body and brain. “Your digestive system needs time to reboot, and your cells need time to regenerate. You only get one body in life, so you are as important as those late-night emails,” she says.

9.  Cleanse. “I’m talking about cleansing where you sleep (your bedroom), where you work (your office), where you bathe (your bathroom), and where you eat (your kitchen),” she says. “A clean home, a gorgeous desk, and a kitchen stocked with good-for-you foods will help you feel and look fab. Make your bedside table Pinterest-worthy (add a bud vase and place a fresh stem with a flower; keep it tidy). I bet your dreams will be more lucid and you may even get more restful, uncluttered sleep!”

10. Up your daily happiness potential.  Try these quick happiness-boosting tips from Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness:

  • Throw away your ex—or at least pictures and mementos of him that make you sad.
  • Rid your closet of clothes that don’t flatter you. You just don’t need that baggage.
  • Give away the stuff you don’t want: Research shows that helping out others improves your own happiness.


There you go. No excuses. Get started today!


NEXT: BONUS; Ginger and Cucumber Detox Juice

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