Try This Simple Tea-Bag Hack To Heal Pink Eye
There are two types of tea bags you can use for this remedy, chamomile or black tea bags.
Method 1
Chamomile tea bags, with rare exceptions, contain German chamomile, although they are not always labeled as such. If you have an allergy to ragweed, use of German chamomile on a regular basis may produce allergic reactions.
1⁄8 chamomile tea bags
1 cup distilled water

Heat the distilled water to boiling and remove from the heat after it comes to a full rolling boil. Add the tea bags to the water. Allow the water to cool to lukewarm with the tea bags in it. Remove the tea bags and squeeze the excess fluid from them. Place the tea bags on your closed eyes. Leave them in place for 15 minutes. Remove them from your eyes and discard. This infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days and used as a hair rinse or facial rinse.
Method 2
Black Tea Bags
1. Make a cup of tea using a teabag with black tea in it.
2. Allow the teabag to steep a few minutes in the hot water.
3. Remove the teabag from the cup of water but do not squeeze.
4. Allow the teabag to cool so that it is still warm but not so hot that it will burn. Remember, the eye area is sensitive so have the teabag very warm but not hot.
5. Place the teabag on the affected eye and leave for at least 5 min.
6. Repeat 3 – 4 times per day until the eye clears up – usually within 1 day there is remarkable improvement.
If you have a pink eye remedy that works please drop a line in the chat.


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