What would you do in his place? Could you watch your two-year child fade away or would you intervene with natural medicine. I would probably use both natural and conventional treatment so long as the natural remedy did not react with the traditional medicine. I have read about many people who claim to have been cured with cannabis oil. Science has not given it any backing – yet. But studies are on-going.
Adam Koessler is currently living every father’s worst nightmare. His 2-year-old daughter, Rumer Rose, is fighting Stage 4 neuroblastoma, a type of cancer with a just a 50 percent survival rate.

Koessler tried everything to help his little girl, including a natural treatment involving organic/gluten free home-cooked food, alkaline water, and essential oils. Unfortunately, this treatment wasn’t having the effect it needed, so he began to treat Rumer with cannabis oil.
Koessler soon witnessed a marked improvement in Rumer’s condition. The only problem is that cannabis oil is illegal in Australia, where Koessler and his daughter live, leading to his eventual arrest.

This is Koessler and Rumer. In a desperate attempt to help her fight the cancer eating away at her body, Adam began giving Rose cannabis oil last year.

Cannabis oil is a highly concentrated form of marijuana that has some proven medical benefits. While many might believe this was dangerous for Adam to do, he says that he saw a marked improvement in his daughter’s condition.

“Her cancer-ridden little body was alive again – Rumer had almost instant quality of life,” said Koessler about the results of the oil. “She would say, ‘Daddy, tummy’s not sore’ and she would be able to eat like a champion and began to gain weight.”

Despite these results, it is illegal to possess and distribute cannabis oil in Australia. Because of this, Koessler was arrested and barred from seeing his sick child. Almost immediately, a petition on Change.org gathered nearly 140,000 signatures calling on Australian politicians to intervene and allow Koessler to see his daughter.

Koessler was unable to see Rumer since January 2nd. This week, Koessler attempted to visit his daughter in the hospital, violating the conditions of his bail. However, police refused to intervene when they were called, allowing Koessler to spend time with his daughter.

There’s no word on whether Adam plans to continue the course of cannabis oil treatment for his daughter. In any event, the thoughts and prayers of the Natural Cures Not Medicine team are with Adam and Rumer during this time. Make sure to like their Facebook page to follow Rumer’s fight against this deadly disease.

The Mirror

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