5 Best Foods to Eat for a Heavy Metal Detox + (Bonus Tonic Drink)
Every day our bodies get bombarded with heavy metals. We literally breathe and eat these toxins daily. Your liver does a pretty good job filtering out the toxins. However, you can help your overworked liver by limiting your toxic load. Eating certain foods can contribute to removing heavy metals from your body.  Read this article to find out which foods you should include in your daily diet that will give your body the nutrition it needs and cleanse your body at the same time.

1. Garlic

It’s on every list, isn’t it? The active compound in garlic, allicin, is what provides the main healing aspect of garlic. Garlic will help protect your from the severity of viruses, such as flus and colds, lowers cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and is a powerful antioxidant. As if this were not enough, garlic also has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic compounds. Garlic will also bind heavy metals and allow them to be removed from the body. You can get all these benefits simply by eating two or three slightly crushed cloves each day. Always use organic garlic (and garlic not imported from China) for best results.

2. Herbs and Spices

There are many herbs and spices that you can use to help remove heavy metals. These include cloves, milk thistle, turmeric, and cinnamon. All of these have other health benefits besides detox, so don’t be afraid to spice things up in your kitchen and use organic spices liberally.

3.  Cilantro

Cilantro is not only tasty, but it’s great at binding heavy metals, actually pulling them from the blood and other tissues, then allowing them to be removed from the body. Cilantro is so powerful at detox; it can actually be used to purify water!

Next: Detox tonic

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