60 Herbs and Their Uses

60 herbs and their amazing uses
Agnus Castus
Helps regulate progesterone levels in women, easing menopausal symptoms plus some menstrual problems such as breast tenderness and menstrually-related migraines and acne. Do not use if taking HRT. Can be combined with Black Cohosh, Sage and Feverfew as appropriate.
Aloe Vera
Aloe gel is a wonderful skin treatment. Can be used on burns, scars, wounds, acne, sunburn, varicose veins and ulcerated skin. Internally, can ease gastritis, peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.
Arnica cream helps with bruising. Can also restore hair loss. Do not use the cream on broken skin, do not take arnica internally (except in tiny homeopathic doses), and never use undiluted arnica as it can be toxic.
Decoction of seeds with honey to relieve a cough.
Infusion to drink for migraines. Douche with it for yeast infection. Pregnant women should not have any basil.
Black Cohosh
Regulates oestrogen production in women, helping with menstrual problems such as cramps, and useful during the menopause for reducing hot flashes and menopausal depression. Also helps with rheumatoid arthritis, some types of headache, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and tinnitus.
Stimulates the adrenal glands, useful in dangerous or stressful situations and for anxiety, depression and grief, giving us the courage to go on. Also helps with rheumatoid arthritis and acts as a diuretic and cleanser of the kidneys.
Buchu Leaf
Works as an antiseptic in the urinary system, relieving cystitis, thrush, prostate problems and all urinary tract diseases. Also reduces catarrh and intestinal wind and bloating.
Regulates menstruation and helps with cramps.
Relieves arthritis pain. Helps regulate blood sugar.
Sedative. Relieves hypertension. Helps the kidneys to detoxify the body.
Celery Seed
Eases arthritis pain, including osteoarthritis, and relieves gout with regular use. Helps with urinary tract infections such as cystitis. Can also ease chest problems such as asthma and bronchitis.
Chamomile Flowers
Mildly sedative, helping with sleep problems. It also has anti inflammatory properties and is very useful for digestive problems including gastro-intestinal irritation, ulcers, colitis and irritable bowel. It can relieve cramps either related to indigestion or menstrual cramps. It also makes the body more receptive to other remedies, working well in combination.

It may come as a surprise to many gardeners to hear that this well-known and rampant weed has some good qualities! Chickweed cream can be very effective for eczema and other dry, irritated skin, as well as minor burns, stings and scars. It also helps relieve rheumatism.
Dissolves gallstones. Cleans the liver.
Antibacterial. Relieves stomach upsets of bacterial origin. Helps to preserve meat.
Helpful for bronchitis. For persistent coughs, use 4 drops of the essential oil in a bowl of boiling water and inhale the steam.
Clove oil is a wonderful remedy for toothache. Cloves also help against alcoholism.
This herb contains allantoin, which aids growth and healing in cartilage, bone and muscle. It has been used to help heal fractures and sprains for centuries. Reduces swelling. For external use only – apply as a poultice. Comfrey can also help with acne and scars – mix a teaspoonful of powdered comfrey root with water to make a paste and apply it as a face pack, leaving on for as long as possible.
Cramp Bark
Useful for any kind of cramps. In the case of menstrual cramps, start taking it a few days before menstruation is due. Also helps with menopausal aches and pains. Can also be used to help control the bladder in cases of incontinence or bedwetting, and for irritable bowel syndrome.
This Mexican herb was prized as an aphrodisiac and traditionally is mainly used for male sexual problems including impotence and premature ejaculation. It can also be helpful in stimulating the reproductive organs in women and relieving menstrual pains. Also used for depression linked to nervous exhaustion, and urinary infections.
Dandelion leaves are used in salad in many countries. It is a great detoxifier, helping the liver, kidneys and gallbladder to eliminate waste. For warts, rub the wart with the white juice from a dandelion leaf or stem twice a day for a few weeks.
Devil’s Claw
Eases the pain of arthritis and rheumatism, and persistent back pain. Works as an anti-inflammatory, also useful for fevers. Stimulates the digestion.
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Source: naturehacks.com

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