7 easy steps to grow your own lemon tree from seed

Lemons are a very important vitamin-rich citrus fruit that can enhance your beauty, your body, and your health. When you consume them every day, it can be easy to run out, so why not grow them yourself, and make it so much easier on yourself.

Citrus fruits are packed with vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and well the list goes on. They may not be considered a full balanced meal on their own; they do offer a huge list of benefits that can complement the rest of their diet. They will also make your home look and smell nice.

1.  Start by slicing the lemon in half and picking out the seeds

3.  Rinse the seeds with warm water, and rub off as much of the lemon flesh as possible. This helps to prevent rot.

3.  Plant the seeds a half inch deep in the potting soil,

4.  moisten slightly and cover the top of the pot with plastic wrap, this is to keep everything nice and moist

 5.  The seeds will not tolerate dryness. Check the soil daily and make sure it is not drying out.

6.  Put the plant in the sunlight, it will take a bit of time but you should see a sprout in no more than two months.

7.  As the plant grows, move to a bigger pot.

Source:  buynongmoseeds


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