2015 is just around the corner. Can you believe its already been 15 years since the year 2000. Do you remember the weeks and days leading up to 2000. The sky was falling, and computers were going to fail, planes were going to crash and we were all doomed.  Fast forward 15 years and actually, not much has changed. The sky is still falling. But we’re still here. We have been preparing for the end of the world since time began.   A billion dollar industry has sprung up over the last 20 years feeding on fear that  America is going to crash and burn. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.    I  am an optimist and will be preparing for tomorrow, whether it arrives or not.
This list is not definitive, feel free to add it in comments.

9 Things To Let Go Of Before The New Year:

  1. Grudges

In your work and just typical life there will be many chances to get ahead, but many things like conflicts can hold you back. Let the grudges go, forgive and forget. Life will be so much easier if you do.


  1. Your Temper!

This is one of the most important; life is too short to be mad all of the time. Do not do something quick tempered and push your loved ones away. Think about situations before you act, and you will get along with people so much better. And, if you need to apologize do it, pride is petty.


  1. Let go of the made up fact that everyone has it better than you

Every single person has their own struggles, just because it looks like someone has it better than you on the outside behind closed doors everything could be falling apart. The grass may not always be greener on the other side, and you never know you might just get what you wish for!


  1. One bad eating habit

People all too often at New Year’s decide to take it all on at once and two weeks into the New Year it all seems to fail, why? Because people take on too much and give up too quickly. So, pick one of your worst and kick it to the curb, take three months, and in another three months kick another one.


  1. Stop thinking that you cannot achieve your dreams

Yes, we all get those ideas in our heads that we are passionate about, and when they do not happen right away, we give up hope. Stop having unrealistic goals for yourself, and take it one step at a time.


  1. Your habit of avoiding problems

You cannot change what you do not confront!


  1. The idea that some people are below you

Yes, we all know you have worked very hard to get where you are today, but do not forget where you used to be or who helped you get there. Money does not make you a better person. As other people about their story, listen, be humble, and teachable. We are all human beings, and we all deserve love and respect.


  1. Wanting things that you do not need

Do not think about money, it is the root of all evil. Think of value, and where you will be in the future. It is easier to find wealth when you need less.


  1. Bad people

We all dwell on the things that we do not have anymore, worthless relationships being one of them! Let go of the people who are constantly trying to change you, bring you down, or tell you that you will never amount to anything because those people are lying! Yes, it will be hard, but what is even harder is trying to be with people who make you unhappy.

Can you think of anything else that should be on this list.? Please comment.

Source:   buynongmoseeds.com

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