rosemary feb 16
This week I watched a documentary about sceptical doctors testing whether rosemary can improve memory. What they found surprised them. Here is what one of the Doctor’s said.

We have spent many years rubbishing alternative treatments but there is, I believe, a real benefit in allowing people to take control of their own health with treatments that make them feel better – even if we haven’t been able to prove how.”

Finally, a doctor is finally starting to believe there is value in alternative treatments.
Are you one of the people who are forever forgetting where you put things like door or car keys. I am. And it is so annoying because you can guarantee it will happen at the most inconvenient of times. It comes as a relief that there is something I can try that will possibly improve my short and longer term memory. This amazing piece of research was highlighted in the Daily Mail,  which mentions research undertaken by a team of psychologists at Northumbria University, Newcastle, England. They basically discovered by smelling one special herb can reignite your memory. It is devastatingly simple, but it works. Read further to find out more.
If you try this out, drop a line in the chat with the result.
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Next page: Why a sniff of this essential oil can increase your memory by 75%


  1. I am so allergic to Rosemary that one whiff – Makes me instantly sick. I will leave this experiment to another party. Hope it works.

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