Are you an Aquaholic?

Wow, isn’t it funny how the health advice you get from the “experts” change with the wind. I read an article in the Daily Mail that said doctors are now questioning the benefits of drinking water! I think they mean the amount of water consumed, not drinking it full stop. In this article, you will learn how much is too much (one 40-year old mother died of water intoxication – see below).  Find out how much liquid you should you be drinking per day and learn what drinking too much water does to the body. Here is what the Daily Mail have to say:

  • It’s suggested that the recommended one to two litres (1-2 quarts) a day is too much 
  • So, how much water should we be drinking on a daily basis?

 Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day can, we’ve long been told, boost concentration, give us a better complexion and more energy, keep headaches at bay, help us to detox and even curb our appetites.

As a result, many of us carry a bottle of trusty H²O with us wherever we go.

So it may come as a bit of a surprise to find that some experts have started calling into question the health benefits of drinking lots of water, suggesting that consuming more than the recommended one-and-a-half to two litres of it a day is more than the body needs.

Some have even gone so far as to warn that our obsession with drinking huge quantities of water has the potential to cause of a range of debilitating or even life-threatening health issues.

Over the past few years people have started reporting that they have become addicted to drinking water. Labelled aquaholics, they’ve been lured by the promises of better skin, a detoxed body and more energy, but soon feel they can’t manage without regular sips of water — and feel panicky if they have to go without for even short lengths of time.

Professor Mark Whiteley, a consultant vascular surgeon and founder of The Whiteley Clinic in London, is one of those experts expressing concerns about our water consumption. He says it’s quite feasible that drinking more water than you should over an extended period of time resets the brain’s chemistry to expect excessive amounts of water.

So, how can drinking too much water be harmful? And how much is too much?

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