acid test

Body organs such as lungs as well as kidney play an important role in maintaining body pH. In a situation where the body cannot maintain a proper pH balance results in a number of conditions. For instance, excess acids in body fluids causes a condition known as acidosis. For you body to function properly, pH should range from 6.75 to 7.25.

Acidosis has been associated with a series of problems such as premature aging, confusion, lack of sleep, vomiting, weight gain, increased heart rate, respiratory and immune system issues, allergies, fatigue and other concerns. The good news is that there are several ways to regulate this condition, including changing diet and eating foods rich in alkalizing components. 

To stay healthy, energetic and young, you need to avoid foods that can make your body fluids more acidic or alkaline. 

In this article from NaturalOn you will discover if your body is too acidic and 10 remarkable ways to correct.  Continue reading more on page 2

Next: How To Find Out If You Are Too Acidic and How to Reverse the Effects

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