Goji Ginger Turmeric Detox Tea // via Linda Wagner

Benefits of Goji Berries:

  • Cancer Prevention: One of the best benefits of brightly colored berries, like goji berries, is that they contain high levels of antioxidants which are extremely effective in fighting cancer. When you eat goji berries, the antioxidants seek out and remove cancer causing free radicals in the blood.
  • Heart Disease and Cholesterol: Another benefit that the antioxidants they provide is that they lower bad cholesterol levels and protect the heart from disease. Goji berries also contain fiber and higher fiber consumption has been linked with a lower risk of high cholesterol and heart attack.
  • Anti-Aging: Slowing the aging process can be achieved by eating certain types of foods and the antioxidants contained within goji berries have been linked with wrinkle reduction and slower aging. Also, longevity may be increased because of the disease and illness prevention that naturally occurs when antioxidants are consumed.
  • Eye Health: Goji berries contain vitamin A, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene, all of which have been associated with healthier eyes. These compounds protect your eyesight, and they also prevent certain eye conditions such as macular degeneration.
  • Better Sleep: Regular consumption of goji berries can help to improve sleep. If you are suffering from insomnia, try eating goji berries on a daily basis and your sleep patterns will likely improve.
  • Stress Relief: Research has found that goji berries may relieve stress and promote a sense of calm, happiness, and well-being by reducing the amount of cortisol released in the body during periods of stress. (source)

You’ll need:

  • 2 inch knob of ginger
  • 2-3 inch piece of turmeric root or substitute 2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1-2 dashes of cayenne (or you could juice 1/2 a habanero or jalapeño pepper)
  • 4 lemons (3 for juicing and 1 for slicing as a garnish)
  • 3 droppers vanilla stevia
  • 2 quarts water
  1. In a large blender add about a quart (32 ounces) of water and your goji berries. Let sit for several hours until the goji berries are plump and hydrated. I usually do this the night before. Just fill the blender with water and add the goji berries. I’ll let it sit on the counter or in the fridge overnight. The exact amount of water is not important. Just that the goji berries have time to absorb the water and become soft. Then blend the mixture well and then pour through a nut milk bag or a paint straining bag into a large 80 ounce pitcher. You can get 1 gallon paint straining bags, 2 for $2 at your local Lowe’s or Home Depot. Squeeze the remaining liquid through the bag and voilà, you are left with goji juice!! Alternately, you could use a mesh strainer but I’ve found the nut milk/paint straining bags to be much more effective. The directions make it sound a lot more complicated than it is, but believe me, it takes just minutes!
  2. In a juicer, juice your ginger root, turmeric, and lemons. I recommend using Breville brand juicers. I love Breville because they are easy to use, easy to clean, and great quality!
  3. In your large pitcher add the ginger+turmeric+lemon juice, goji juice, and enough water to fill. Then add stevia to taste. Mix well with a wooden spoon and adjust flavors as needed. Let sit for about 10 mins before serving to let the flavors blend. Will last about 5 days in the fridge.
  4. **If you are using powder ingredients only, you’ll want to prepare the herbs as you would loose leaf tea. Boil hot water and add to the powders and let sit until room temp. Then add your lemon, goji juice, and stevia to taste.
  5. You can enjoy your Goji Detox Tea at room temperature or over ice. This tea is sweet, tangy and slightly spicy! It always helps me “get back to normal” after travelling or going off my diet. I tend to get puffy and retain water and this tea helps flush out my lymphatic system and reduce swelling. I absolutely love it and I hope you do too!
  6. If you can’t find fresh turmeric root or ginger root at your local health food store or Asian Market, you can purchase them in powder form

Source:  lindawagner.net

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