Natural remedies for menstrual cramps - Good to know.

The most common natural remedies include:

  • Exercising
  • Heating pad (like this… relaxes the muscles which bring oxygen to them)
  • Acupuncture
  • Abdominal massage
  • Warm  baths
  • Yoga
  • Adequate sleep

These are definitely great things to try for immediate cramp relief if you are in the middle of a painful cycle. They are true “all natural” menstrual cramp remedies. My kind of stuff.

But instead of just finding cramp remedies or relief, wouldn’t you like to STOP your menstrual cramps for good so you don’t need to worry about remedies?

I thought so.

Look for more than a remedy: Stop menstrual cramps for good!

Let’s get to the root of the problem. Most menstrual disorders (cramping, heavy bleeding, etc.) are caused by imbalanced hormones.* Imbalanced hormones are partially caused by nutritional deficiencies. They are also caused by environmental toxins and stress. So while every person is different, taking a serious look at food, digestion, and the environment can provide some real solutions. Let’s briefly look at each of these:

Traditional diet for menstrual cramp relief

When you think about the standard American diet, it’s easy to see why cramps are such a common issue theses days. Menstrual cramps affect more than 50% of women, and among these, up to 15% would describe their menstrual cramps as severe? (4)
During my teens and early twenties I had plenty of months where I was toppled over in pain because of cramps. On these days I was only able to really function if I took some ibuprofen.
Once I began implementing whole, organic, nutrient-dense real foods into my diet, however, I noticed my cramps went away. It’s been at least three years since I’ve had a period with cramps. My periods are also lighter and I have less PMS symptoms.

Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food.

Taking the commitment to eat real food is a gradual, long process for most. It is not easy, but it is very simple. When we get our body back to its natural state through real nutrition it functions a whole lot better. It’s one of the best approaches to life long menstrual cramp relief.

I eat a whole foods diet and STILL get cramps? What’s the deal?

If you still suffer from menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding despite eating a real foods diet chances are that you may have some digestive issues going on.

Odds are pretty great that you will be surprised to learn, in nearly every case of menstrual cramps, it all goes back to digestion… When I talk about digestion, I’m talking about people’s ability to properly break down the food they are eating. – T.C. Hale

If you have food allergies and/or leaky gut, you may have more complex hormonal problems. Your body has to be able to use the food you eat. I have heard of people eliminating cramps by doing GAPS or other temporary healing diets. While not specifically the same as menstrual cramps, I did notice a HUGE difference in my gut when I ditched most grains. In fact, my usual headaches (something that I used to get more than menstrual cramps during my period) went away.
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