Have you heard of EFT?. (Emotional Freedom Technique).  I came across the therapy in London, England 4-5 years ago. I was invited to a demonstration where I watched a therapist use the technique. It is a bizarre therapy, but I have seen it work wonders for people who had physical and emotional problems. (see the testimonials below). Please keep an open mind and continue to read about this fascinating therapy that you can teach yourself. I have added a bonus how-to video. If you want to know more then Google EFT, there is a wealth of knowledge on it.

If you are new to EFT you may be as skeptical as I was when I first heard about it: tapping on acupressure points on your face and body to clear emotional problems seemed just too weird, too implausible and I almost dismissed it. I am so glad I listened because now, years later, I wouldn’t be without EFT both for myself and for those who come to me for help.

My first NLP teacher Wilf Proudfoot said “don’t give ’em an explanation, give ’em an experience” and if you are reading these pages having already had an EFT experience then what you read will not seem weird or far-fetched and you’ll know that emotions and tensions can dissolve in seconds. If you have not yet experienced EFT for yourself then I hope you’ll understand that no words I could say or write can be a substitute for that convincing experience of EFT.

You don’t have to believe in EFT or ‘Chi’ to tap and achieve change in your emotional state or a reduction in body tension, though it does help that you are not over invested in resisting, disbelieving or debunking this simple and easily learned technique. I am not asking you to believe in anything and I would like you to keep hold of your healthy skepticism and draw your own conclusions from the evidence of your senses.  My experience of using EFT is now with over a thousand people and at least 90% get some sort of result.   Its not a panacea or a magic trick – its a simple and helpful tool.

I can not tell you how EFT works because I do not know. Modern science has not yet caught up with Chi balance tapping. There are differing schools of thought regarding possible explanations. One school offers the Energy Psychology meridian based explanation derived from the relationship of ‘Chi’ or ‘energy’ and emotions and the study of accupuncture and kinesiology. The other school dismisses “energy” as bunkum and offers a neuro-physiological explanation based on the mini-REM state that results from continual firing of the brain’s orientation response to the physical stimulus of tapping.

From my experience in practice (and my Cambridge Physics degree) I think that both explanations are valid and that the answer lies in a quantum mechanical (rather than Newtonian) understanding of what it is to be human.  But for now all that is conjecture and I will wait for established science to catch up, so in my EFT Workshops and Trainings I don’t teach ‘how it works‘, I teach ‘how to do it‘.

Next: Testimonials Examples

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