EFT Examples 

So, EFT is a therapeutic tool whereby someone taps on their face and body and repeats a form of words about their problem and the problem is no longer a problem?
Yes that’s about it, that’s what happens time and time again. Here are some stories:
Peter had such bad lower back pain that he often had to lie on the floor and his weekly visits to an osteopath were helping but not enough. After an hour of EFT with me the pain dissolved and has not returned.
June was terrified to drive on a motorway. She did 15 minutes of EFT with another beginner and two weeks later drove on the motorways from Yorkshire to Devon with confidence.
Susan had escaped a violent marriage but could not escape the memories and was unable to relax with her new partner. Afer two EFT sessions Susan feels like a new woman and describes her relationship as bliss.
John was angry and shouting at his elderly mother whenever she cried; it was an automatic and uncontrollable reaction that made John feel guilty and fearful. After an hour of EFT with me he is now as calm as any other carer of an elderly parent.
Liz was compelled to buy and guzzle chocolate every time she filled up the car. Since learning EFT at an introductory evening with a group she has not even noticed chocolate for 6 months.
Andy was consoling himself with drink to suppress the memories of separation from his daughter. After three sessions of EFT he enjoys an occasional glass of wine and no longer needs to finish the whole bottle.

I have added a how-to video which tells you more about EFT and the simple technique to use. And, if you want to learn more then Google EFT. You may even have a practitioner in your neighborhood.

Source: emotional-health.co.uk

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