Scientific Proof That Negative Beliefs Can Harm Your Health
I believe that negative beliefs can make you sick. And, now science has proved what many people knew all along. I call it negative programming. For instance, when I ask a relative of mine, who suffers from arthritis, how she is doing, the first answer I get is “the pain is killing me”. I have asked her to stop using that phrase because programming the brain over and over with negative statements may give undesired effects. She has stopped saying it and is now enjoying life.  Don’t get me wrong, her arthritis has not disappeared but by not concentrating on the pain, she can manage it better.
This article from Mind Body Green explores this concept further and find out Why Did The Chinese-Americans Die Younger?

The medical establishment has been proving that the mind can heal the body for over 50 years. We call it “the placebo effect,” and we know that when patients in clinical trials get nothing but sugar pills, saline injections, or fake surgeries—but believe they might be getting the new wonder drug or miracle surgery—their bodies get better 18 to 80% of the time. But was the opposite also true? Do negative beliefs about our health or harsh care from insensitive doctors harm the body?

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