Image: wikipedia
I recently posted up an article about a young father who claims to have cured his bowel cancer using cannabis oil. You can read it here if you missed it. Hopefully, one day in the not too distant future we will not have to read stories like this in the newspaper because cannabis oil and its derivatives will become a standard regular medicinal treatment.
People that time may be coming sooner than you think. I have just read an article on buynongmoseeds talking about how the US Government Unwittingly Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer. And as you read this, a Bill called the CARERS Act, which seeks to reschedule marijuana right now, is going through Congress. But does the bill stand any chance of making it off Capitol Hill alive?
Did you know Cannabis can be used for many ailments not just cancer? I have added an informative video about Cannabis CBD, which apparently is legal in 50 States. Can it help you? Watch and find out.
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