To finish, here’s a great little video on the powerful health benefits of soursop. It only goes for 4 ½ minutes and is really worth looking at. So enjoy!

Where to get Soursop From and How to Take it…

The bark of the soursop tree has been found to contain the highest cancer killing properties, but the leaves, roots and seeds can also be used. If you live in a country that grows the soursop plant then purchasing it is easy. For the rest of us, you can buy Graviola in capsule, powder or tincture forms.  You can also buy soursop as a tea. Visit your local health food store or go online to purchase Graviola in any one of these forms. For the capsules and powder, follow the directions on the label. With the tea, drink 4-6 cups dail

Possible contradictions are Parkinson like symptoms if taken in large doses. However, this is not fully proven.

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