Fermented foods have impressive health benefits according Dr. Mercola and many other health professionals. This awesome article from Mercola and Wellnessmama contains information on what you need to know about fermented foods. It also includes two videos. One is an instructional how-to make fermented vegetables. The other video that I recommend watching is a fascinating interview with a nutrition expert. She used to be a vegetarian but discovered some shocking revelations about eating an entirely vegetarian diet that changed her views.
I also recently posted a Korean Kimchi recipe (a favorite Korean dish). I had no idea that it was healthy fermented food. Here is the recipe. If you want to eat good wholesome, clean food, learn about fermented foods and incorporate them into your diet.

Healthy Korean Kimchi Recipe

What Are Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods are foods that have been through a process of lactofermentation in which natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food creating lactic acid. This process preserves the food, and creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics.

Natural fermentation of foods has also been shown to preserve nutrients in food and break the food down to a more digestible form. This, along with the bevy of probiotics created during the fermentation process, could explain the link between consumption of fermented foods and improved digestion.

Cultures around the world have been eating fermented foods for years, from Sauerkraut in Germany to Kimichi in Korea and everywhere in between. Studies have even shown the link between probiotic rich foods and overall health  Sadly, with the advances in technology and food preparation, these time-honored traditional foods have been largely lost in our society.

Where Have All the Fermented Foods Gone?

The amount of probiotics and enzymes available in the average diet has declined sharply over the last few decades as pasteurized milk has replaced raw, pasteurized yogurt has replaced homemade, vinegar based pickels and sauerkraut have replaced traditional lacto-fermented versions…the list goes on.

Even the much dreaded grains were safer to eat in earlier times since their preparation included soaking, sprouting and fermenting, which largely reduces the anti-nutrient content and makes them less harmful (I still didn’t say good!).

Instead of the nutrient rich foods full of enzymes and probiotics that our grandparents probably ate, the average diet today consists mainly of sugar laden, lab created dead foods.

Next: Fermented Foods Are Abundant in Your Ancestor’s Diet

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