Top 10 Emergency Essential Oils for Your Natural First Aid Kit

Top 10 Emergency Essential Oils for Your Natural First Aid Kit

You are prepared……you have food storage, water, first aid, bedding, 72 hour kits, what about medicine? Are you prepared in the event that you cannot get to a pharmacy during a catastrophe or crises? Well one solution might be to consider having essential oils on your shelf. A pure essential oil will never go rancid so they are perfect for including in your emergency essentials checklist. The following 10 essential oils are perfect for starting your own natural first aid kit at home so you can treat a wide variety of common minor ailments

1. Eucalyptus

This is the perfect oil to clear up congestion, whether it is from an allergy or a cold. Eucalyptus can also help to relieve sore muscles. This oil can stimulate the immune system and has antibacterial compounds. When you are suffering from the flu or cold, use some in a vaporizer to help loosen chest congestion. You can put a drop underneath your nose (mix it with a carrier oil) to help you open up your stuffy nose in a jiffy. Eucalyptus is a powerful antibiotic and antiviral, and it works wonders stopping sinus infections, colds, and the flu virus.  Never use it directly on your skin, as it can be irritating.

2.  Tea Tree Oil

This comes from the Tea tree that grows only in Australia. This oil can be used topically and works like magic on almost all skin problems including toenail fungus, acne, athletes foot, and even eczema and psoriasis.

bottle of grapefruit essential oil - beauty treatment

3. Grapefruit

Grapefruit has many of the same properties that lemon oil has but where this oil really excels is for those who are feeling fatigue or jet lag. Grapefruit oil is also naturally antiseptic, so adding a few drops of this oil to your homemade household cleaners (such as vinegar) can really give your home some extra germ-fighting power.

4.  Lemon

Lemon oil is great for detoxing the body, killing acne, and improving concentration levels. Whenever you feel like you have brain fog, or perhaps you are feeling a bit down in the dumps, try sniffing some essential lemon oil. Add a few drops of essential lemon oil to your pet shampoo will keep fleas away from your dog or cat as well.


5. Lavender

This has to be one of the most versatile oils around. Lavender is probably best known as being a relaxant and a sleep aid, but it also works well on bruises, skin irritation, and cuts. Smelling lavender can reduce stress hormones in the blood, which makes it the perfect oil to drop into your bath each evening! Place one or two drops on your pillow so that you sleep more peacefully. You can add a few drops to your favorite lotion so that you can rub some on your neck, hands, and face anytime you feel stressed out.


6. Peppermint

For Indigestion and Cooling – This essential oil is useful for treating nausea and digestive issues, allergies, menstrual problems, reduces fever, increases alertness and focus, and increases oxygen absorption. It is great for headaches or any muscle aches or pains and is also a catalyst when mixed with other oils. Peppermint is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, can be used for shock, colds, colic, and heartburn.

7.  Oregano

For Natural Immune System Support –This oil is effective in treating bacterial infections and yeast infections, relieves back and joint pain and inflammation, colds & flu, kills warts & skin tags and athlete’s foot, and is an effective cleanse for GI health.

8.  Melaleuca

 For Soothing and Healing – This oil can be used as a first aid ointment, useful for skin irritations, bug bites, athlete’s foot, eczema and psoriasis. It aids in immune function and supports against throat and respiratory pathogens, and helps with slivers in the skin.

9. Clove

For Pain and Toxins – This oil helps to relieve toothaches, headaches, and other pain and can be used to draw toxins and infections from the body. It also aids in relieving nausea or constipation.

10. Frankincense

For Inflammation and More –Frankincense oil enhances the effects of other oils, helps reduce inflammation, relieve headaches, and supports skin tissue recovery. It also contributes to soothe hyperactivity and restlessness and facilitates clarity and focus of the mind.

Here is the link on how to use essential oils safely also contains 27 Incredible Ways to Use Essential Oils for Natural Medicine

Tip: always buy good quality 100% essential oils without any fillers.


NaturalON – Natural Health News and Discoveries

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