St johns wart

4. St. John’s Wort

This medicinal herb may also help people quit smoking. The herb provides calming properties to help fight the edgy effects and stress caused due to quitting.

In fact, it has been observed that when going through nicotine withdrawal symptoms, people experience anxiety and stress like those suffering from depression. As nicotine helps with depression, it can also help with these symptoms.

In a pilot study, 24 people who smoked one or more cigarettes a day took St. John’s wort capsule (450 mg) twice daily along with smoking cessation counseling. After 12 weeks, nine out of 24 people had quit smoking.

This study, however, cannot be relied upon completely as it was neither placebo-controlled nor double-blinded. So, further research is still required in this regard.

St. John’s wort is available in liquid, bulk, and capsule form.You must start taking it at least two weeks before you plan to quit.

Note: As this herb can interfere with the effectiveness of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking this herb. St. John’s wort is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.


  1. Jennifer Simmons Owens Reply

    I just want my friends that smoke to be healthy because i ❤️u guys

  2. actually disagree if you are vegan/whole food plant based but if you smoke & do animal consumption that is the problem, truth be told it is animal consumption that is killing the most

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