Top 4 Cancer Fighting Herbs and Spices That You Probably Have In Your Kitchen
Cancer-fighting ingredients may be just a few feet away from where you are at home – in your kitchen. Popular for cooking and spicing up dishes the following ingredients may be the perfect natural remedies to fighting cancer.
Take a look below and make sure you have these in your kitchen and are adding them to your diet on a regular basis.

4 Cancer Spices That Are Commonly Found In Every Kitchen

oregano confirms its worth as a potential agent against prostate cancer. Consisting of anti-microbial compounds, just one teaspoon of oregano has the power of two cups of red grapes! Phyto-chemical ‘Quercetin’ present in oregano restricts growth of malignant cells in the body and acts like a drug against cancer-centric diseases.
This humble spice boasts of medicinal qualities that help lowering cholesterol, boost metabolism and kill cancer cells. Easily added to vegetable dishes, fish preparations and salads, garlic enhances the flavor in cooking. Chew on fresh parsley if the odor bothers you.
Responsible for the bright yellow color and robust earthy flavor of many Indian curries, turmeric is one of the most medicinal spices on the planet. Its main antioxidant compound, called curcumin, has been found to destroy almost every type of cancer cell that exists. In fact, in a report by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists entitled, “Curcumin and Cancer Cells: How Many Ways Can Curry Kill Tumor Cells Selectively?” scientists found that curcumin actually targets cancer cells while leaving normal cells alone.
Another weapon in your kitchen’s cancer prevention arsenal, fresh ginger contains gingerol while dried ginger forms zingerone. “Gingerol and zingerone are thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore may be protective against cancer.

Do want 3 more cancer-fighting spices then click here
Source:  Natural News


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