Top 5 of the Most Effective Chinese Herbs Used Today
Twenty years ago my neighbourhood had not one Chinese herbal medicine shop. Fast-forward two decades, there are at least five within walking distance of each other. It’s incredible how Chinese medicine has become so popular. The Chinese have been using traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, but only in recent decades has the western world caught on. Yes, I know there are some parts of Chinese medicine that could be seen as undesirable – not many of us would consume parts of an animal on the endangered list. However, there are literally thousands of herbs that can be used in treating virtually every illness.
This article from NaturalOn concentrates on what could be considered the most important and effective herbs. As a personal note, I have used Chinese herbs for eczema and found it helpful.
Check out the article from NaturalOn below. Have you tried Chinese medicine with any success? Drop a note in the chat. Please share this article if you find it helpful. thank You!
 Next: Top 5 of the Most Effective Chinese Herbs Used Today

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