Syringe filled with vaccine on a blue background
This idea sounds really scary to me. The thought of having cancerous cells injected as a vaccine. But, is it any worse than being injected with for example an immunization vaccine which carry a small amount of virus. But how do you get a small dose of cancer! Big Pharma is going to make a whole lot of money from this move.  Read the rest of the article and let me know what you think.
Unbelievably, this method of extracting cells directly from cancer tumors has already been approved even though there is a possibility that it may cause cancer in recipients.

At a meeting of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2012, the discussion which led to approval was no less than a scandal. [1]

The health authorities and vaccine manufacturers blatantly revealed their uncertainty regarding the safety of vaccines made from cancer tumors. Some of the incredible statements from the meeting are quoted directly. A more detailed account is given in this article. [2]

The statements in italics are directly quoted from the meeting.

The vaccines may cause tumors in recipients
“We have really identified three major factors that could potentially convey risk from tumor derived cells. And these include the cells themselves … and if they were tumor-derived cells then maybe they themselves could form tumors in a vaccine recipient.” (Dr. K)

A fact: tumor cell lines can cause tumors
“What I think is qualitatively different about the tumor cell lines is the fact that they can cause tumors.” (Dr.L)

Tumors may occur decades after vaccinations
“But certainly, if you are going to address this question about tumor risk of vaccines made in tumor cell lines, it’s going to have to be a decade’s question.” (Dr.C)

The rest of statement can be read here : natural news

  • Making vaccines with cells that are directly derived from human cancer tumors is faster and cheaper than breeding animals for the culture media.
  • Millions of potentially cancer-causing vaccines will be produced.
  • The vaccines may possibly cause genetic mutations.
  • Millions of dollars will be made by vaccine promoters.
  • The health of millions of consumers may be jeopardized.
  • Information about how these vaccines are made will be hidden from doctors and consumers.

Sometimes reality is even more frightening than horrific science fiction
Millions of consumers will be injected with vaccines which may cause cancer tumors, then cancer tumors will be used to make millions of vaccines. Think about it.

Source:  natural news
Image:   Fotolia

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