Hey! Here are 10 awesome ways to use banana peels for natural beauty and health benefits. They are so full of awesome nutrients and properties that make them great for natural; teeth whitening, skin care, wart treatment, splinter removal, anti-inflammation and ingestion (they have a high nutritional value!) – so in the video, I show you ways to utilize each of these benefits 🙂
It is really awesome being able to use as much as you can of things and reduce your waste- because you get the most for your money and also all the resources put into growing or producing it are not for nothing (water, land, energy, labor etc). Food scraps are one of our most wasted products, so it’s awesome to find uses for them!
I hope you find them useful!

  • Banana peel contains vitamins C and E, potassium, zinc, iron, and manganese. These nutrients work together with the lutein and carotenoids (fat-soluble compounds) in the peel to fight inflammation and acne breakouts.
  • The antioxidants and vitamin C in bananas can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • The inside of the banana peels contains special substances (including potassium) that help to clean metal objects.
  • Banana peel is rich in enzymes that have a pulling effect, and this can draw a foreign object to the surface of your skin.
  • Adding banana peel to your compost pile will introduce more calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphates, potassium, and sodium to the soil.
  • Ripe banana peel is rich in potassium, magnesium, and manganese, which can help to reduce yellow stains on your teeth.
  • Banana peel can drastically reduce skin irritations such as swelling, redness, and scarring thanks to fatty acids it contains.
  • A piece of banana peel across your forehead and another across the back of your neck can help to relieve a headache.
  • The banana peel works like a blanket, keeping the meat cooking while preventing moisture from vaporizing.
  • The peel contains histamine-lowering nutrients (magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin E), so you can use it to relieve itching from poison ivy or mosquito bites.

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