The Great Sea-Salt Conspiracy

Are you buying sea salt? Stop right now. You’re being scammed. According to sea salt sales, have risen dramatically over the last ten years because we have been told that table salt is not good for you.  But the problem is all salt is technically sea salt. I personally use Himalayan salt because I like the taste. Read further to learn which are the best salts to use.

 If you are buying expensive sea salt over regular table salt, you are buying the same thing. All salt is technically sea salt. Table salt is mined from salt mines that are created after the ocean has retreated from the land, leaving behind salt deposits. No matter how you buy salt, you are buying sea salt.

Salt that is advertised as sea salt has been evaporated under controlled conditions from the sea water, not mined from salt mines. Designer sea salts are not heated or cleaned, which leaves traces of dirt and other bacteria in the crystals from where they were gathered.

To enjoy natural unrefined salt you may want to try using Himalayan salt and Celtic sea salt. One definite way to tell if sea salt is truly sea salt; it shouldn’t be white. Unrefined salt is not white and will have hints of different colors in the crystals. Himalayan salt will have a pink tint to it, and Celtic salt will have a grey hue to it.

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