What 10 Grocery Store Items You Should Never Buy Again
Let me ask you a question. Do you check what chemicals and additives are in your grocery items? Do you even have enough time to check?  I will admit to sometimes reaching for foods that are quick and easy to cook. But when getting the item home and checking the preparation I am often totally put off cooking it. Why? Because that’s when I check and see the amount of additives are in it. I might still eat it though with a promise to self to detox to hell come the weekend!

Here are ten foods you should commit to memory and skip on your future trips to the grocery store.
What 10 Grocery Store Items You Should Never Buy Again

    1. Canned Soups

MSG is a horrible additive found in a lot of food on our grocery store shelves, most popularly in foods like canned soups. They are flavor enhancers used to trick the mind into eating more food, but they are linked to such things as headaches, depression, mental disorders, and obesity. Look for Organic Soup brands like Amy’s and Wolfgang Puck You will thank yourself for it, try Amy’s No Chicken Noodle, It is the best!

What 10 Grocery Store Items You Should Never Buy Again

  1. Bread with sneaky ingredients

It is almost impossible to find a good bread in the conventional supermarket, they are all loaded down with High Fructose Corn Syrup, dough conditioners, added sugars and artificial colors. So Avoid Brands like Nature’s Own and Pepperidge Farms, and go for Brands like Ezekiel they are made with fresh organic ingredients, and you will not be sorry!


  1. Coffee Creamer

Coffee creamer is truly one of the worst things on the market! They are loaded down with conventional heavy cream, Trans fat, sugar, and oils! Trans fat is linked to all sorts of issues like high cholesterol, clogged arteries, and type 2 diabetes, and it has been directly linked to coronary heart disease. So my question is, why would you want to consume that every day in your coffee? Skip the coffee mate and grab for the 365 Whole Foods Brand, or even just add coconut oil or non-dairy milk to your coffee. Your heart and your body will thank you for it!

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