What to do? 5 reasons why you shouldn't use soap sanitizer

Washing your hands frequently with any soap will reduce infections as effectively as using an anti-microbial soap. Hand washing and keeping your hands out of your mouth and eyes will keep you from infecting yourself and spreading infections to others.
For effective cleansing you have to wash your hands for a full minute, not just put soap on then rinse.
There are two household products you can use to keep surfaces clean and relatively germ and virus free. Bleach and Alcohol. Both of these chemicals break down the cell wall of bacteria and destroy it. Bleach is the most effective but is hazardous to clothing color and some metals…and it will do a number on your skin. Dilute your bleach 1part bleach to 9 parts water and put it in a spay bottle. Spray your counter surfaces and let dry.
I would recommend spraying at night before bedtime and then cleaning the surfaces the next morning with just water on a paper-towel to remove the dried residue. It is what we did in the lab every night to destroy communicable antigens. The alcohol based hand sanitizers will destroy virus material but it will cause skin damage if you use it too frequently
The best and least expensive way to avoid antibacterial chemicals is to make your own products.
Source: Wellness Mama
Image: Lucille Pine

See next page for which brand to buy and how to make your own natural homemade hand sanitizer


  1. Crystal Morgan Wolfenbarger Reply

    I think they should ban schools from using theses and hand sanitizer. What happened to washing your hands with soap and water.

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