
You need to know about this weed that you have been ignoring or rather removing from your garden all this time. But this is basically because of your ignorance. This is because you simply do not know of the amazing medicinal benefits of this weed known as plantain.
There are number of ways you can use this weed, plantain. You may crush it, add it to tea, make a paste or simply eat the leaves. In fact, depending upon why you wish to use it, you would be able to know how to use it.
The best thing about plantain is that it is a completely natural product. There are no side effects of any kind. This means that even small children can consume this weed and get relief from various ailments. With so many benefits, it is time that you came to know more about plantain so that rather than throwing it away, you make use of its various health benefits.
Here is the list: 

  1. Astringent: Chewing on the leaves can help you heal your wounds fast, particularly those from insect bites.
  1. Anti-infection and Poison: Remove poisons from your skin or halt infections by grinding and crushing the leaves. This is also effective in preventing scarring.

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