Is This The Strongest Natural Antioxidant Known To Science?

Is This The Strongest Natural Antioxidant Known To Science?

Here are 5 reasons why we should be taking Astaxanthin

1. Astaxanthin Can Help Relieve Pain and Inflammation 
Astaxanthin is a potent anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, blocking different chemicals in your body that make you scream “ouch!” More than that, astaxanthin reduces the inflammatory compounds that drive many chronic diseases. Even though it’s 100 percent natural, astaxanthin works like some prescription analgesics, but without the risk of addiction, GI bleeds or heartburn. More specifically, astaxanthin blocks COX 2 enzymes just like Celebrex, the blockbuster drug prescribed for osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain and monthly dysmenorrhea. In fact, astaxanthin works well with Celebrex — it would be wise to take both together if you want to and if your doctor approves of astaxanthin.
Natural astaxanthin not only affects the COX 2 pathway, it suppresses serum levels of nitric oxide, interleukin 1B, prostaglandin E2, C Reactive Protein (CRP) and TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and all of this has been proven. Natural astaxanthin was shown to reduce CRP by more than 20 percent in only eight weeks; there is not a prescription drug I know of that does that! Even the American Heart Association claims CRP is a key indicator of heart disease.
2. Astaxanthin Helps Fight Fatigue
Astaxanthin provides excellent recovery from exercise. Just like salmon making the heroic upstream swim, astaxanthin can help athletes do their best. Pure natural astaxanthin is indicated for recovery of muscles, better endurance, enhanced strength and improved energy levels.
3. Astaxanthin Supports Eye Health
Remember the famous song, “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone…” Well, I associate that song with astaxanthin. It has the unique ability to cross through a barrier and reach your retina. Well-designed clinical trials have shown that astaxanthin helps diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, eye strain and fatigue and seeing in fine detail. There are well-designed positive human clinical trials supporting eye health. ,

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