chia seeds sept 2015
In an emergency situation all food supplies would be either purchased or stolen from your local grocery store so preparing now will not only increase your chances for survival but will also allow you to lock in a lower price before the costs increase further.
While there are many different staple foods that you should stock to make sure that you are prepared for any emergency situation, there is one in particular that will offer you a comprehensive nutritious diet at a low cost. This superfood is Chia seeds, a food that has been around since Aztecan times and has been making a surge in many popular dishes. Here we will cover the many reasons that Chia seeds will vastly aid you in your quest for a healthy diet regardless of the circumstances.

  1. Antioxidants: As you know, antioxidants combat free radical build-up in our body, helping us to rid ourselves of cancer causing agents that we accrue through every day activity. Foods that are high in antioxidants are crucial and Chia seeds are loaded with them, protecting your body as well as protecting the seeds from spoiling quickly.


  1. Carbohydrates and fiber: Carbs are essential for energy levels while fiber is what helps you to stay full throughout the day. One ounce of Chia seeds has twelve grams of carbs and eleven of those grams are fiber, meaning that these seeds are forty percent fiber. This makes Chia seeds one of the best sources of fiber to ensure that you do not raise your blood pressure, increase your fullness for longer, and slow the absorption of food in your system giving you a boost throughout the day.


  1. Protein: Chia seeds are also about fourteen percent protein, which is almost unheard of for most plants in our diets. In fact, Chia seeds are crucial for most vegetarian diets as it provides enough protein for healthy living while the blend of amino acids it has increases the body’s ability to absorb the protein levels.


  1. Reduces Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes: Studies have shown that foods that are high in fiber, protein, and Omega-3 fats can be helpful in reducing issues in our metabolic health, reducing LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol. These factors combined create a heart healthy atmosphere that may reduce your chances of suffering from clogged arteries when combined with other health conscious diet changes.


  1. Bone health: Chia seeds are also high in magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. These nutrients are crucial for bone health and many people who are lactose intolerant consume Chia seeds to boost their calcium levels as one ounce of seeds contains eighteen percent of the recommended dietary allowance for calcium.


  1. Easy to store: Chia seeds are small and easy to store for months due to their high levels of antioxidants. This superfood can absorb between ten to twelve times their weight in water to become gelatinous either in water, yogurt, or in your stomach. Their small size makes them easy to carry while also filling you up quickly due to their expansive qualities.


  1. Easy to add to your diet: Chia seeds are similar to flax seeds, in that they do not taste like much and are easy to add to many foods for a quick and nutritious burst. They can be eaten raw or soaked in a liquid to become a gel, and are delicious when added to oatmeal or yogurt. They will also add an interesting boost to most baked goods with some people using them as an egg substitute.

With so many health benefits and a plethora of options for adding this superfood into your diet, it would be wise to begin stockpiling Chia seeds now. Adding Chia seeds to your food will dramatically increase the nutrient content of anything that you are making and have not been shown to cause many issues in the digestive system. For such a small seed, they are able to provide your body with many essential nutrients, making this a superfood that is truly deserving of the name.
Chia seeds are readily available at all good health stores and online.
NEXT: Chia smoothie

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